Spoiler alert! -Game winning strategies
This game, as others reviewers have already said, is both addicting and fun. Have passed a lot of time with it and perhaps too much! For some, it might bring on a little nostalgia, and it reminds me of similar outer space game play such as in Space Invaders, Maelstrom, and Galaga. The glory days!
Having played through all 100 levels nearly three times, I learned to employ a defensive strategy. In the case of this game, it holds true that the best defense is a good offense. By putting all medals into defensive and energy-related gear, toward the more difficult levels my firepower wasnt able to keep pace. But by investing as much as possible into the firepower category (and dodging bullets like crazy, since shields were weak), I ended up being able to defeat that ugly mother ship at the end. Woo!
Here are some changes that I would like to see in a future update:
• Fix the bug in the options menu that keeps auto-fire from being turned off, or remove it if there arent plans to implement it.
• Endless wave is endlessly frustrating, because there is little to no variation or reward. Each successive wave gets harder, but you receive little in the way of medals (versus the normal game play) and the cycle of 8 or so of the same exact combat levels gets boring, frankly (perhaps all some people care about are the leader boards, and good for them :)). Why not instead make endless wave let you replay any of the 100 levels you just spent 48 hours beating!
• Create a toggle option for the "friendly fire" weapon specialty. The reason is, it can really impact game play if most/all of your bullets are hitting enemy bullets (of which there are loads) and not your target. Reflective shield bullets also suffer terrifically from this. Ive noticed this feature can sometimes do more harm than good, so why not give the option to disable it?
Thanks for the fun game, 6Hoursoft!
Ernstvh about Space Cadet Defender HD: Invaders