Tremendously awesome
Tremendously awesome
Can be lots of fun. points for saving ships, not for blasting enemy targets. Need to purchase extra weaponry in order to advance to next levels
This is a pay to play game. Level 46 is impossible without paying for upgrades. Min is 99 cents all the way up to 15$. Enjoy playing up till level 46. Then youre stuck.
This game is exactly what I look for in an iPad game. Quick to learn, not too complicated, but lots of fun. Its challenging but not impossible. And contrary to some other reviews, I never had to purchase coins to upgrade my ship in order to beat level 46. Some levels are harder than others, but only a few are frustratingly hard. I have a PS3 for when I want to REALLY play a game. The iPad games I want are supposed to burn half an hour to an hour. They let me take a break from other stuff, without completely side-tracking me. Having said that, I do find it very hard to tear myself away when its time to get on with my day. Some people have complained that level 46 is impossible. I dont remember what that level specifically, but I say again - I never had to purchase coins or medals to upgrade my ship. There is a level that comes before 46 (I dont remember which) where I was able to run up my score significantly. Now, I will admit I had to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy on that level to build up enough cash to buy some big guns and shields. But I did NOT have to pay for them. There is a paid upgrade to the game that comes at level 50. It is only $1.99 and it is absolutely worth it. 50 levels for 2 bucks is a steal! I did experience a little confusion regarding this paid upgrade. When you finish the game (or at any point before) you have the option of resetting it and starting from scratch. There is a pop-up that appears, warning the player that all medals, upgrades and purchases and the current level will be reset if you continue. Bases on that warning, I was concerned that I would lose my paid upgrade, and Id have to spend another $1.99 every time I wanted to progress past level 50. The software developers cleared that up for me right away. The reset takes you back to the start, and any upgrades to the ship are zeroed out. Even if these upgrades where purchased with medals bought with real money. They tell me there is just no easy way to track those upgrades. But the extra levels, once bought, are mine to keep. So far Ive probably played this game for around 20 hours. And as soon as I post this Im going to start again. That much game-play for two dollars is a steal! This is one of the most fun games Ive played on iOS. Paid or free. I absolutely recommend it. Especially if you liked space invaders or other 80’s console games like it. Its just as much fun, has much better CG, and doesnt coast a quarter every time I lose my ship!
Loved this game in the 80s and now I can play at home on my iPad Great job guys
On some levels is way to hard some to easy.For the most part its a boss game.
Its just a game that forces you to spend money by making it to hard. Real douchey set up
Ok till level 46 then your going to need to toss some $ in to buy upgrades... No chance of going further without. Played it till then, lost interest, deleted it.
Its a great game until you have to pay out money to win. I understand it when they want money for extra awesome upgrades but it shouldnt get in the way of you winning the game.
Lots of fun, easy to use. Old school game
On steroids!!!!!! An absolute pleasure to watch and to play; an addictive and worthy 5 STAR game. Thank you!
Really hard
This game is hard but fun!
One of the best games in the store...simple, challenging and a good reminder of old Atari games...
Super RAD! Reminds me of " back in the day!"
Download this now its really cool
Can you please add the ability to reset JUST the current wave or at least a wave selector
Fun game but could you add a feature where you Can replay levels?
Love the game but once I made a purchase to get more medals the game ended within two levels. Then I had to pay a small amount for the next set of levels that I got through pretty quick and then thats it.... The only option is to reset thus losing all your medals and purchases. Can you add more levels and also a chance to replay levels
No way to finish it without spending at least 18$. That I can handke. But I want to start over on my iPhone SE but need to pay all over again. That is not very cool. Change that and di continuous improvement.