Space Cadet Defender HD: Invaders App Reviews

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Havent even played the game yet and I can tell Im not going to like the controls. You should make a control that you can swipe your finger across the screen and your ship moves with it. Using another finger, you can touch the screen to fire your weapon.

More levels

More levels please. Game is great but 100 levels went quick because this game is addicting. I dont like that we cant switch or add upgrades once the 100 levels are completed...spent a decent amount on those upgrades. Maybe add an expansion pack or at least allow for levels to be beaten a second time without losing upgrades. --or-- allow upgrads to Cary over to next game...thanks...the game itself is fun...good job

Disabled people need not apply!!!!

I only have use of one arm because of a stroke, and this game is agents disabled people because they make you use TWO hands. How rude!!!!

On this game about every 15lvls your gonna want to pay around 2-15$ worth of medals Unless you want to relive the flappy bird aggravation incident nearly through my ipad on the floor because Im on lvl37 and have payed nothing probaly gonna spend some money on it tomorrow -not- If there were a -5 rating I would choose it

Stupid game

Dont buy unless you have patients for bull shít.

Pay pay pay and pay some more!

I do not like to pay to keep playing! Total rip-off!!!

Fun and then disappointing

In the beginning this game was fun the downside is that the game frequently "forgets" you and lets you start in the beginning. Then, when you have made it to the last level you can not start just back with your ship in level 1 but you can only play "endless wave" which makes you loose interest quickly. The problem with the resetting after having played many levels occurs also in other games of this provider. :-((

Very nice

Probably the best space shooter out there. I havent had any issues.


I think this games good except for the level Im on because it really hard. Before I got the app, I thought there would be more moving then just staying in one place

Waste of Time

Once you think you are having fun and playing, the next level is impossible to beat without spending money to buy the overpriced upgrades. This game would be a lot of fun if things just costed less or you had chances to make additional money within the game. Im just going to delete it because I will NOT spend real money just to beat a silly game like this. And like any game that has in app purchases, Im happier just deleting it and moving on.

Terrible Game

Game is designed to make money, not to entertain you. It gets overly difficult, pretty much forcing you to spend money to advance. Once you beat it, only an "endless" mode is available and they try getting you to get another app by them. One of the worst games Ive played on iPhone since I owned a 3G in 2008.

Space cadet

Old school games so much better then candy games.

It was fun until...

It was fun until they made it overly hard to beat a level until you have to purchase better weapons. Deleting the whole game.

Mixed Feelings

Its a great game but at about lvl 45 it becomes near impossible to beat the levels without spending money on medals for upgrades.

Awesome Game!!!

Love this game, its very addicting! I started playing it 2 days ago and I have already passed all 50 levels without having to spend any real money!!! The only thing I dont like about it is the fact that it only goes up to level 50, and then you have to pay $1.99 for additional levels!!

So fun!!!!!!!!!

I love playing it and its super addicting. Its a free version of Galaga!


Great Game

Great way to pass some time. Im at level 26 and so far I havent had to spend any real money. If I get to 50 Id have know problem paying the $1.99 for additional levels.

Great game!

Went through all 100 levels three times without having to buy medals. Only paid the $1.99 for the extra 50 levels. This game isnt as hard as people make it out to be; you just need to know what to upgrade and when. Please add more levels!! Ill pay more for them!

Its free

Its a good game considering its free. It stops at 50 waves or something like that. Then its not challenging any more. Over all 5 stars. Thats the good! The bad: always looking at the bright phone with this addicting game. Not good for the eyes. Enjoy :)

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